Is anyone going back to work full time after 9 months maternity leave I'm going back to work full time in 3 weeks and my son will be 7 months then. Feel like I'm the only one returning to full time work would love to stay at home with jenson or work part time but means I would have next to no income and would rather support my family rather then rely on benefits x

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I'm not quite full time but I've just gone back 4 full days a week when Max is almost 8months. I had very mixed feelings about it initially. Going back when he was so young. How tired I would be. Missing my boys. It's only been just over a week but I'm feeling much more positive about it already. My eldest's behaviour is improving & he's sleeping better because he's busy at nursery & Max is enjoying nursery. I'm actually enjoying being back in my role (so far) lol. We all do what we have to. Whether it's because you have to go back or you've chosen to to support & provide for your family.
15.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
I'm going back full time at the start of a new school year as I work in a school . So Harvey will be nearly 1 xx very lucky to have that long off xx
15.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
I will be going back full time as well but I am taking 1 month unpaid leave before I go back and the 15 days holidays they will owe me then so Austin will be almost 10 months
15.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
i went back full time when Melody was 6 months. couldn't afford any more time off work. she goes nursery 3 days a week and had 2 days at home with her dad as he has weds and thurs off. do what works for you hun. xx
15.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
Glad to hear I'm not alone x
15.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
I will be going back full time after 9 months maternity leave. I'd be in the same situation if I didn't @natsbabyboy x
15.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
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