Did/does anyone else feel like their pelvis is falling apart at this point? My lower abdomen, hips, groin, and lower back are all sooooo achy. Whether I'm moving or laying down, I stay hydrated, workout, get my rest, etc. I've had sciatica almost my whole pregnancy, but this is different pain.

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Yes! Haha all the nurses thought I was lying when I said it was my first. I walked through all my hard labor until they made me come back to my room to give me the epidural, thank god for modern medicine. I tried to walk up the stairs to make it go faster but they wouldn't let me 😂 but I promise it helps. Just go for walks if you can't get out much. I have two serving jobs so luckily I got t out of the way by working doubles 👍🏻it totally pays off when you go into labor, and of course!
14.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
Omg that's amazing. And with ylur first?! That definitely makes me want to keep working out haha I will work through the pain! I figured if I stopped it may only make the pain worse and make things harder. Thank you for your advice! @kailey.gallentine
14.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
Yeah you're good babe! And KEEP WORKING OUT! I know everyone keeps saying it but I swear that it will make your labor go so much smoother. I was able to walk through almost all of my labor. They made me stop walking once my water broke and my labor was only 3 hours 54 minutes 😂
14.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
Oh good, it just came out of nowhere. It's just 24/7 but my Dr told me to not stop working out, so I just wanted to make sure I'm not hurting myself by staying active and it's normal. @kailey.gallentine
14.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
I had the same issue and I was told it was just my hips shifting so I could give birth. Literally the second I had my daughter the ache went away 🙌🏻
14.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
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