My so called husband came home drunk as a skunk, he set off the house alarm. I am so fed up with this so called marriage. Honestly we are staying together for the kids sake. It's not healthy for my boys to see this crap passed out on the couch. I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. I feel like a damn fool because I saw the red flags in the beginning of our relationship, I ignored it. I need therapy because this is getting out of hand. 💔
I just had my baby shower this past Saturday so I asked my husband please don't get drunk this is a very special and important day for me, so sure enough he gets drunk I'm so pissed off with him that I'm considering divorcing him. Maybe it's my fault for having wine at my shower ugh I'm so confused and angry of course it doesn't help that I'm 36 weeks pregnant!
Thats no good. Sounds like he needs some counseling. Or maybe some couples counseling? My ex used to "act out" like an immature brat and start blaming me for all the wrong that happened or the wrong HE did. (He would drink alot and blame it on me. That I caused it. He used to be a mess before he met me.) He always refused counseling. If you made up your mind about only staying together for the kids, itd be nice if you can coparent and get along for their sake. He needs to get that.