Exclusively pumping is kind of a taboo subject but it shouldn't be. Most people don't know this but I've been exclusively pumping for 6 months now. Pumping is hard! For 6 months I've spent multiple hours a day attached to my pump, watching my little girl play by herself because I'm busy, spending more time awake in the middle of the night because I have to feed Amelia and then pump. I've been told that I'm not really breastfeeding, that I didn't try hard enough to nurse, that I'm taking the "easy way out" and that I shouldn't pump in public. So I want to set the record straight... I DO BREASTFEED, I do not NURSE. I tried really really hard to get Amelia to nurse but because of complications during my pregnancy I was not able to. Exclusively pumping is hard, it takes a lot of dedication and still sometimes you can't keep a supply up. I do several "power pumps" each week where I pump for hours on and off just to continue to have enough to feed Amelia. As far as pumping in public I really don't see it being any different than nursing in public.. Let me be clear I am a huge believer in FED IS BEST, but I am also really proud of myself. I've given my baby exclusive breast milk for 6 months and will continue for as long as I can!
@dawnrose, @sawyersmomma, @thingy2005, @cubanese, @babyjjsmommy, thank you all so much for the love and support, sometimes it's so hard to keep going but remembering that I'm doing the best I can for my baby girl is what keeps me going strong!
Pumping was so much harder than nursing to me! You're up a lot more than you would be feeding exclusively from the breast. I exclusively pumped for about the first month and a half of my son's life and finally transitioned him back to boob which I am so thankful for. I applaud you for being able to exclusively pump for so long!
go momma!! exclusively pumping is so hard, I did it in the beginning. you are doing such a great thing for your baby and you should be so proud ❤ such dedication shows such a great love for you lo ❤❤