Alex mcatamney
Alex mcatamney
Girls my daughter is absolutely loaded with the Coke and iv gave and done as much as I can (ibuprofen calpol saline drops snuffle babe) but at what point should I ring the doctor about her bottles, she's only had about 14 oz in 12 hours and she's screaming with hunger but because she can't breathe while drinking she just keeps crying, also we don't have 111 here

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My daughter wouldn't eat, she would have an Oz here and there I took her to the GP who said it was fine. Waited a few more hours then she was rushed into hospital.. she was critically ill and she had wet nappies. If your worried take her to the doctors and demand to be seen! X
10.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
When Max was really poorly he went a week barely having anything. The odd oz a day. I was concerned but was told to keep an eye on his nappies. As long as he was having wet nappies then he wasn't dehydrated. There's not much a doctor can give for a cold apart from what your doing already. It's hard when their hungry but struggle to eat. But if your still concerned after another day then just give them a ring.
09.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
Yeah you know your baby best so id push to be seen xx @alexmcatamney
09.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
@west94, unfortunatly we don't have those either, we litterally have nothing here, I rang my gp and they said they'll only see her if she doesn't eat anything between now and tomorrow! I think that's far too long, I'm thinking if by about 7/8 she's still the same I'll ring out of hours gp and demand she's seen, so hard seeing them Ill xx
09.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
Take baby to a walk in clinic if available in your area xx @alexmcatamney
09.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
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