So when can we stop the late night feedings??? I'm hearing it's not good to feed the baby in the middle of the He's only two months old!!! Help!!!
His pediatrician said to stop the late night feedings and increase the formula to make up for skipping the late night feedings. It's worked though John sleeps from about between 10-11 to about 5:45am
I think at 4 months my doctor told us that I no longer needed to wake her for feedings, as long as she continued to gain weight! (She was a preemie, so that was always a concern)
My pedi said at 3 months they were capable of going all night. I did it for my son and worked like a charm. He's slept through the night since then for 12+ hours a night.
It's completely fine. And whoever is giving you that advice , you should tell them to shove it up their ass!! Because my son is about to be 10 months old soon, and he still has his nights where he has to have a feeding in the middle of the night.