Im going to make a appointment because i also have a little cold now and yes i just pretend like its the baby kicking lol so i can get my mind off of me stressing@genn1994
you really do need to go to the doctor since ur nearly 7 weeks now. and ik exactly what u mean when it comes to sharp pains and cramping. I get nervous when I have those as well.
Even though this is my first baby im am scared i haven't really been to the doctors at all and i get really nervous at times because im scared i get little sharp pain in my stomach and cramps which cramps are normal but i need to a doctor asap
True. hopefully not early. I came 2 months early so I fear that for my child as well but I have faith that I will have a full term, healthy pregnancy and give birth to a happy, healthy baby.
Omg im so sorry to hear that i can see the stress and the nervous ness well don't worry because you have a healty beautiful baby 😍💯and i had a inny outtie belly button and mines looks huge and i also hope everything goes good for doctors appointment@genn1994
thank you same to you. and it's my first one as well. I've had 3 miscarriages tho so it's been kinda nerve-wracking but we're supposed to hear heartbeat as well friday so as long as we hear that I'll relax more lol. I have like an inny-outtie belly button so idk if it will change that much lol
Congratulations also this will be my first child and I'm so nervous and you're 6 week and 4 or 5 day is when your belly button will get huge lol @genn1994