Hi ladies, I need some help please. So my little boy has been put on similac milk for CMPI but he also suffers with reflux! He was on anti reflux milk before the paediatrics changed it. He started being sick a lot again on the new the doctor have given us carobel to thicken the milk. My question is I've been making it how it says but the teats still keep getting clogged and it's going lumpy in the bottle! Getting really frustrated with it and having to squeeze the teat to release the gunk of it! Safe to say my little boy is frustrated too!! How can I do it so this stops happening please?! Any ideas anyone? Xx

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What teats and flow are you using. I add one scoop to a bottle of 5 floz and shake really well but never to a boiling hot bottle or it goes like thick lumpy paste. I use perfect prep and put in at the end. Shake and wait 5 mins then shake well again. Not sure about similac but my girl is under 3 paediatric docs ( a normal one a gastroenterologist and a respiratory specialist) she suffers what they class as severe reflux screams more than she doesn't round the clock, arches back refuses to feed and is sick a lot. We have just had to have a chest x ray a few weeks back as she is aspirating her milk into her lungs. She's on ranitidine , lanzoprazole, gaviscon, carobel, neocate, movicol and just been referred for a medication called ketotifen. She's has severe eczema and needs allergy testing now too and has a condition called laryngomalacia, has respiratory distress from it and well my life is like living hell right now. I'm up every 2 hours round the clock with her screaming feeding and vomiting with no end in sight. The new meds seemed to help for 1 week now I'm back to square one and it sucks. I've been through the cmpa with two of my others but Olivia is something else entirely 😭if I can offer any advice please ask but it sucks
04.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
Have you changed teat size? I had this issue and then changed to vari flow and it helped x
04.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
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