I still can't believe this day. Started out so ordinary but I got to overthinking like always but that day, September 29th, I actually decided to take a pregnancy test. I went into Walgreens and bought one test. Just one. Went into their bathroom after buying it, peed on the stick then stuck it in my pocket and left. Haha I was on my lunch break and work and waited until getting back to read it. It read positive. I didn't know how to feel after looking at it. I was shocked. So unbelievably shocked knowing that there was a tiny human growing inside of me. I got home later that night and showed my sister the test. She was shocked, too and made me go buy some more. So after going to Reasor's I took two more at home and they were both positive. At that point, I was happy. Beyond happy to have this tiny human inside of me. That is the day my life changed.