apparently im a crybaby for going to the hospital because i was in pain. pain so bad that all i could do was throw up and cry. my baby's daddy is a real piece of shit.
Lol oh no way he sounds Hispanic most of them are jerks haha what does your family think about what's going on? I am very lucky he's the serious type 😍 @skylinrainwater,
He's technically black lol just very light? If that makes sense 😂 It's complicated. @nessairieray, And you got lucky cuz not all of the younger ones are great.
Woah and he's older than you he should be more mature about this that's crazy girl what's his race? And yeah 9 bucks an hour isn't much my husband got 2 jobs when he found out we were having a baby and I have to say for him being 19 he's got all his shit together. Guys my age are dicks and they just don't care about anything @skylinrainwater,
It's just ridiculous. He said "you act like she needs a stroller and car seat now and she ain't even here yet" umm 😐 I'm just trying to get everything bought BEFORE she gets here. If you don't start buying stuff now, then in 10 weeks from now you're not going to have the money then to buy everything she needs. He doesn't get it. You have to start buying stuff early on because of your income. He only makes $9 something an hour and it's not like he's going to have the money to buy her diapers, wipes, clothes, socks, etc. later on so he needs to start buying little by little now. He doesn't get it... He doesn't get how this works. @nessairieray