Guys I'm at a loss. Sometimes my bubba just does not stop screaming. I make sure he's changed, not hungry, not too hot or cold, no clothes pulling toes or anything, no crooked clothes, and I'll change his position in case he's uncomfortable and he still just wails. He recently rolled to his tummy on his own so I'm scared to use the swaddle on him unless I know I'm going to be awake. But I need sleep...he's been sleeping maybe in 20 minute increments, and once that 20 minutes is up he screams. I got gas drops and give him those, do bicycle legs and massage his belly and nothing seems to help. I feel like a damn zombie. And I get so irritated I snap at my fiancé and then feel like a bag of shit for being in a bad mood 😞
We even got the sound app for our phones! It is so handy, because now he associates the white noise with sleeping and he'll sleep almost anywhere. Him being used to it might be a bad thing, but I'll do almost anything to get him to sleep soundly.
😔 Maybe swaddle him but leave his arms free in case he rolls? That may help him feel more secure but still let him move if he needs to. (Ours was always swaddled like that because he was a little Houdini and could get his arms free no matter what we did.)
Aww that sounds miserable 🙁 when my 2 month old won't sleep I roll him on his side. I know you're not supposed to, but I make sure there's nothing around his face. Sometimes it's the only way to get him to sleep at all. Good luck, I hope you can get things figured out so you can get some rest!
@rmreed, they just said it's normal😞, I can't wait for this phase to pass. I'm so tired all the time, I seriously don't know how I'm going to function tonight when my fiancé is at work 😞