Zanna Mcdowall
Zanna Mcdowall
Looking for some advice on weening my little one.. she's been on rusk with her night time bottle since about 12 weeks but I've been slowly introducing fruit purée and baby jars! She feeds every 3 hourly with her bottle and I'm wondering if it's okay to give her a lunch time jar then the bottle straight after? She's been doing great so far but Im wondering what all you other mums do?

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Thanks ladies! Lucy gets fed at 9/12/3/6/9 so i give her a fruit purée at 12, then a baby jar at 6 then rusk at 9 for bed, all along with a 6oz bottle straight after (which she takes the whole lot), so does that sound okay? Xx
26.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
It's probably best to do the bottle first but saying that, Charlie won't have his bottle beforehand but always wants one straight after for a nap. I've no idea how he manages after eating a whole lunch and fruit pudding but he always has and still has a bottle after a meal xx
26.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
I always give a bottle then offer food an hour or so after as @beck_yemm said. Milks the most important still as it contains everything they need.
26.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
I would give bottle first as that's their main source of nutrition and then the jar after xx
26.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
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