Michaela Nguyen
Michaela Nguyen
So last night Jade woke up at 1am and wouldn't go back to sleep until 4am. Also I didn't get to go to sleep at all until 4am and she woke up again at 9. I couldn't even get her to sleep today so I could take a nap. And tonight she has woken up every single time I lay her down. Idk what to do! I'm at the point of exhaustion where all I want to do is scream and cry. And I have twice in the past 24 hours. Please help me.

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@ashleym12.22.16, that's what I do. I let her nurse and lay her down but she's just not staying asleep like she normally does.
26.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
I some time let my son fall asleep nursing him laying down or I pop a pacifier in his mouth which really works... sometimes I just sleep on the reclining sofa so I don't have to put him down.@michaelanguyen
26.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
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