I feel so honored and overjoyed to be starting a family with my best friend...
Being someone who suffers from borderline personality disorder and major depression. I truly believed this would never happen to me. We will be married in june on my birthday and our baby will be here early October. Couldn't ask for anything else in life im already rich.
Very happy for you! But please please please be careful when it comes time for baby to come. Horrible horrible things happened due to circumstances with my severe post pardum depression with my youngest. /: I ended up signing over my rights to her dad cause he and my own father made me suicidal. Obviously I'm not saying that's gonna happen with you. Lol. Just be careful and be sure you have help when baby comes. My best friend suffered some severe PPD and because she had me here to help, like taking him for a couple hours while she slept, or watching him while she showered or did a load of laundry or whatever, it has helped her tremendously.