Madison Plaskey
Madison Plaskey
Has anyone ever had back labor?? Can u describe what it feels like!?
I got my cervix checked Wednesday and then when I got home I passed quite a bit of blood but I figured it was my bloody show or just irritated cervix. I didnt bleed at all thursday but Then woke up around 2am this morning and passed ALOT of blood again (bright red) and the clinic wants to see me at 8am but now I think I'm having back contractions but I'm not sure??

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Yes I feel the same and I called labor and delivery and they said yes it's contractions! Yay finally having him!!!!
24.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
I had it with my 1st son. It was horrible it felt like I had to poop every 10 second but when i want nothing will come out (sorry tmi) but yes back labor pains are the worst you feel it all in your back....
24.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
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