Thoughts? I took this test this morning at 8 dpo. I've been feeling dull/faint cramping on my right side, bloating, frequent urination, tender breasts, and I'm also breaking out a lot more than normal. I'm going to test again first thing tomorrow morning. The line was more clearer in person (obviously) 😉. Thanks, ladies!
@lillyb, I tested this morning (this test is from yesterday) and I got faint positives with 3 different tests (all different brands)! I'm going to test again tomorrow and hopefully it's even darker! 🤞🏻😊
Mine was the same last Saturday I tested too early but was still faint, I then waited until Tuesday and it got darker!!! Today it was very dark lol@meganross88
@autumneve, @mari_contreras, thanks for your opinions! It's a little fuzzy but it was the best I could do. I took another test first thing this morning and the line was still faint but definitely darker than yesterday's. I also took a First Response and got a very faint line. I'm early but hopeful!