So i have one for you friends.. some lady got mad at one of my girls on the road today. She proceeded to follow her to work.. take pictures of her car.. told her she knew her schools principles and would be letting them know in short that she is reckless. Then comes to the front of her vehicle to take pictures of her. She calls me all upset.. after 5 or more mins of talking with her this woman has drove back to her work and is at her window screaming. .. at this point i ask for her to hand her the phone. The lady would not speak to me and continued to scream over me. Let me tell you... its a good thing i was on the phone.. i may not have held my composure otherwise.
1st of if a young person makes a mistake on the road you can be upset, you can attempt to tell them to slow down or to be careful. But you crossed a major line following her and threating her.
You lost all credibility to me and your cause or reasoning is gone. Back the heck off.
As i said earlier today... you are not apart of my village.. get out of here!
My girl is smart, respectful and responsible. She is bound to make mistakes.. accidents happen and thankfully not one today. All i can think is geeze you had nothing better to do? Could only imagine if this person had actually been someone she had an accident with. Gahhh. 😲 my mom was at my house when she called and she said. Oh that poor lady. She just messed with the wrong mama... better know it! 😱