@miracle_, if you think he's having trouble breathing because of it or feels miserable due to the mucous it wouldn't hurt to take him but otherwise I would suction from the tips of his nose until it clears up. Does he have a fever?
@miracle_, I would just call up your pediatricians office and talk to a nurse to see what they recommend. They will ask the doctor and let you know if you need to go in.
My son is 2 weeks old and every time i suction it out yellow mucus comes out and his nose gets red so I stopped hopefully this goes away on its own @morganmommy79,
Aww maybe he did catch something with all that's going around. My daughter is 3 weeks old and still sounds congested but she's not. She's been having milk come out of her nose tho
@morganmommy79, I have been putting alittle baby vicks in his nose and suction but i dont think its working like his feeding fine but he couldn't sleep last night
@miracle_, yes, what @mandi.marie, said. My daughter had amniotic fluid in her for awhile. And nurses all told me the nose syringe can actually aggravate their sinuses if used too deep in the nose due to their sensitivity. And that will make them sound plugged up too.
@morganmommy79, my baby boy gets milk stuck in his sinuses as well when I feed him laying down, so we've gotta sit up to feed too.
@miracle_, just make sure not to over-suck with the aspirator, especially if your little one has narrow nasal passages, because it could swell the vessels from excess stimulation. With your baby still being so young, it could possibly be some amniotic fluid that's causing the "stuffiness". As long as they are still able to breathe, sometimes unfortunately, they've just gotta work some of it out on their own.
You should try and buy the boogie machine they sell it at babies r us it's from graco omg it's the best it gets everything !!!! I still use it on my two year old and I swear it takes out the infection so supper quick !!!!