What's your birthing story?
Gender? Boy 👦
Due date? 02/01/17
Birth date?05/01/17
Pain relief? Two puffs on gas and air that's it
Labour and birth time? Slow labour for a week then slowly loosing my waters on the 01/01/17 then contractions were every 7-8 minutes until the 04/01/17 then they was every 2-3 mins then on the 05/01/17 I did 5 pushes and he was out
Did your birth go as you planned ? Nope not even close haha😄 I wanted a water birth so badly but there was a few complicated issues they wanted to monitor
As I was bleeding and they didn't know why
I couldn't wee so they tried and make me but I couldn't all that was coming out was blood
But he was born at 7:04am on the 05/01/17 weighting a good 8lb 7oz healthy :)
What about everyone else's? Post /comment your little ones birth :))
What's your birthing story?
Gender? Girl👧
Due date? 04/06/16
Birth date?27/05/16
Pain relief? One puff on gas and air and make me sick so nothing!
Labour and birth time? Show happened about 9.30am and started gettinf pains about an hour later, went to hospital with contractions 6-7mins apart but only 2cm so sent home. Back at hospital at 11.30pm and was 8cm. Got in the pool and waters went but she had pooed in me so had to go on the monitor. At 2.54am my little girl made an apperance weighing 8.1andhalflb
Did your birth go as you planned ? Nope, really as wanted a water birth! And ended up having 2nd degree tears and 17 stitches😭
What about everyone else's? Post /comment your little ones birth :))
What's your birthing story?
Gender? Princess
Due date? 13.11.16
Birth date?07.11.16
Pain relief? Gas and air which made me vomit and then the heavenly epidural.
Labour and birth time? My labour was 23 hours. Was induced on the Sunday she came at 8pm Monday. I went from 4cm to 10cm in 20 minutes after I got the epidural and she came about 5 minutes after that. Literally the epidural numbed me to the point where I couldn't feel when to push so I needed assistance.
Did your birth go as you planned ? I wish lol I wanted a water birth and I was so adamant I would only use gas and air but I was induced a week early. The pain was ridiculous and I ended up having an epidural and I felt great! Lol
Gender? Girl👧
Due date? 04/06/16
Birth date?27/05/16
Pain relief? One puff on gas and air and make me sick so nothing!
Labour and birth time? Show happened about 9.30am and started gettinf pains about an hour later, went to hospital with contractions 6-7mins apart but only 2cm so sent home. Back at hospital at 11.30pm and was 8cm. Got in the pool and waters went but she had pooed in me so had to go on the monitor. At 2.54am my little girl made an apperance weighing 8.1andhalflb
Did your birth go as you planned ? Nope, really as wanted a water birth! And ended up having 2nd degree tears and 17 stitches😭
What about everyone else's? Post /comment your little ones birth :))