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ALL ABOUT YOUR FIRST BORN!!! ❤️ post a picture of your first born.

1. Was your pregnancy planned?

2. Were you married?

3. What was your reaction to finding out you were pregnant?
I was young so nervous but excited

4. Were you induced?
No! I was going to get induced that morning but on the way to hospital I began contracting!

5. How old were you?

7. How did you find out?
I was late and took test

8. Due Date?
By ultrasound & doc - 10/24/15
By LMP - 10/30/15

9. Did you deliver early or late?
5 days late

10. Birth date?

11. Did you have morning sickness?
None!! 😀🙏🏽

12. What did you crave?
Honestly nothing really! Just my normal food I eat!

13. How many pounds did you gain?
A little more than 30

14. What was the gender of the baby?
Beautiful boy

15. Did you have complications?
None 🙏🏽

16. Where did you give birth?

17. How many hours were you in labor?
Around 8 hours! 9-5:26pm

18. How much did your baby weigh?
7 lb 15.9 ounces

19. What did you name the baby?
Kaden Chance

20. How old is your first born today?
Almost 16 months old! 😩

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