Mommy challenge.
No judgement.
Strictly about us moms and our beliefs.

What's your child's name? Ava Rae

Is your child a boy or girl? Girl

What wipes do you use?

What diapers do you use?
Huggies or Costco

What baby lotion do you use?
Johnson and Johnson

What baby wash/shampoo do you use? Johnson and Johnson

Bite, rip or clip, your baby's finger nails?Clip

Do you exclusively breastfeed?
Yes unless we aren't in a place that we can comfortably.

Do you vaccinate?

Believe in circumcision?
I haven't given it much thought

Co-sleep or seperate?
Both are fine, but right now we're co-sleeping. (I recommend getting a Snuggle Nest)

Whooping or timeout?
Time out

Carry around GermX?

Do you believe in CIO method?
I haven't tried it

Do you believe in abortion?
I wouldn't personally get one, but I think each woman should have the right to make the choice of what's best for them

Public school or home school?
Public school

How many children do you have?

How many children do you want?
2 maybe

Age you were when you had your child(ren)?

On birth control?

Stay at home mom or working?
Stay at home mom

Baby wear or stroller?

Are you a single mother?

What do you carry in the diaper bag?
Diapers, wipes, extra outfit, books, emergency formula and bottle, water bottle, extra socks, burp cloth, toys, phone and my purse/Wallet

If you could tell new mother's one thing, what would you say?
Be patient and enjoy every moment. You know what's best for you and your family, so do what you need to do regardless of what others say.

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