I have no way to deal with my emotions... which is why I go to food automatically which is why I'm getting fat and have gained so much weight this pregnancy...

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@stacyragland everything is cool beans.
19.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
I'm trying to think that way about it. And you stay positive about this pregnancy evrything is going to be ok. @twillightrose
19.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
@stacyragland everything will be ok. Don't feel bad for eating. You need to eat. Always having something on your stomach keeps you from getting nauseous. Thank you.
19.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
Thank you for that. I needed to hear that! I'm so happy for you. U have overcome such big obstacles! Congratulations on the pregnancy! @twillightrose
19.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
I used to smoke and drink. I was also a food addict. I lost 60 lbs and was able to get pregnant after 4 years of trying. I lost my first baby. I was homeless and went through starvation and sickness. I had an infection and couldn't afford medication. Medicaid finally sent the requested papers for insurance 1 week after the baby died. I am pregnant again and although broke I have food and shelter and soon insurance. Just waiting for a phone call. I have been through a lot. If you feel you are gaining too much weight and you still wanna snack. I suggest salad and veggies. Get a veggie tray. Watermelon and cantaloupe. Eat more veggies than fruit. Fruit does have sugars. Pickles have 0 calories. Anything pickled is good. You can snack 24/7 as long as the snacks are low cal and high in vitamins. I wish I could afford more veggies!
19.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
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