@shellbell0391, That would have been cute ! We didn't wait for the first one lol. We found out her sex at the sonogram.. so this time we mixed it up a little bit. & it was actually really good. At the sonogram, his aunt went with me and I told them nobody was finding out except her so they would turn the screen when she was looking at the parts. So I didn't even know either. The only person that did was my boyfriend's aunt ! It was so exciting. ❣
@shellbell0391, we found out and I was planning on doing something cute on Facebook to announce it, my husband was texting his family as soon as we left the ultrasound room so that didn't work 😂
I wish I wouldn't have told ian the sex and have him hit a hockey puck that did that or something lol. But ian was with me and we are bad at waiting so we found out right at my ultrasound 😒