Ahh mummies I'm in need of some reassurance.... I recently had my lil boy he's 4 months, I haven't been able to work for 2 years, (I lived in refuge and was unable to for safety and then fell pregnant in that time) I had everything set on going back to work. I have landed a dream job (temp now but position available) and I started Friday. My son has had his settling in sessions at nursery and loves it and is addored there, (my fiances cousins wife works there so I'm very comfortable with the nursery and my 3 year old has been there nearly a year and also loves it).
I thought I had made the right decision my fiancé is going to have set days off so they don't have to go 5 days a week but now I'm doubting myself. I'm an emotional mess thinking am I making the right decision?! I know we will be worse off for a while but I've had my heart set on a career for so long and I don't know what to do.
Today during tummy time my lo was kicking loving it he moved 90° and was trying to roll over... I'm going to miss these moments... what if I can't cope any other mummies gone back to work early on and have some advice ?!? Xxx

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Thank you so much for ur supportive words girls... I just keep wanting to cry, I've warned them I could be a mess they seem very supportive! It's such a good opportunity I didn't even think twice about it until now when he goes full time Monday. Xxxx
18.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
I went back after 6 months and stared going to interviews after 6 weeks of a baby and people were genuinely gobsmacked as to why I was doing it and the amount of times I had to explain ' I like working' and I have to work I can't afford not I could of worn a sign to save myself the time however it's so rewarding being a working mum! Don't get me wrong there's Days where it's hard getting up after a long night awake or when I think what am I doing I should be with MY baby not putting him in nursery however it means I can go on holiday 2/3 times a year, give him the best life I can possibly give him and I'm also setting him and others a example you can be a mother and working and also a bad ass fucking woman 🙅🏼
18.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
If you think this is what's best for your families future or it's what you have to do for your families future then that's all that matters. It is a scary thought putting our babies in care I'm not gonna sugar coat it. However there are so many benefits to it as well. My eldest was 15months before I went back to work. My youngest is 7months & I go back in 2weeks. I'm nervous & excited! Lol
18.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
I go back to work next month and my lo will be 6 months old I'm dreading it too as im scared ill miss out on alot but if you say to yourself your doing it to make a better life for your babies it can get you through the day ☺ I also told my manager I'll proberly be an emotional mess for the first week going back, always good so you can have the right support around you ☺ x
18.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
Every mum feel the same! My health visitor told me its not about seeing your babies firsts. Its about seeing the first time your baby crawls to YOU or takes his first steps to YOU! Those are the magical moments x
18.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
It's going to be hard whatever time you go back hun xx I know it will be for me when I go back in September.. but it sounds like a brilliant opportunity and I think you would kick yourself in a year or so if you gave it up xc
18.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
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