Is there anything I can drink for my stomach pains ? 😩 my mom told me it's bad to drink tea because sometimes it causes abortions... which I didn't know. I guess it messes with your stomach but ughhh my pains are really strong sometimes
I drink chamomile tea with half a teaspoon of brown sugar & that honestly helps me with stomach pains & helps me go to sleep quicker. I like to drink one in the night & morning. My mom would drink the same tea when she was pregnant of me & she had a good healthy 9 months pregnancy.
I would just get in the tub with warm water to try & relax your body a little & take tylenol 200mg , if your pain gets worse deffinetly go in to the ER trust your mommy gut !
Well what you're feeling is all normal. You'll feel all that until you give birth. Some day it will have you in tears from round ligament pain and you'll be fine the next. If you're not bleeding or in excruciating pain, you're just fine. When your pains get worse, drink water. Dehydration will make it worse.
If you're having cramping it's normal. Your body is preparing for its 9 month journey. It's stretches alot and will be uncomfortable. There isn't much you can do about it. Best thing to drink is water. I also drank tea my whole pregnancy and never had a problem.