🚨thoughts of a baby mommy🚨 I am at the point where I regret my child's father why him why did it have to be a man (excuse me) a boy that can't man up and be there for his child I have all these thoughts going through my head and all I have to say to them is I regret him I wish I never met him wish me and my friend never introduced us to one another and I wish I never told him I was even pregnant cuz now I'm sitting here with papers up the a## to get him on child support that I didn't even ask for (the government stepped in) and he wants me to deny it knowing our child will loose her Medicaid all for what so he can wine and dine a new girl and buy her expensive gifts I'm at a loss at what to do tomorrow and the car ride isn't going to be easy knowing I'm going to have to do what is best for my child and deal with the after math of everything I'm stressed and I have no idea how to deal with this all

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Been there sista! Its ok youll pull thru this even though its tough and u feel upset probably even worried about what hes going to do or say as well but just jeep one thing in mind. Your beautiful little baby! You will find peace once you can finally just not care anymore about what hes says or does and if he wants to be a man and see his baby great if not thats on him hes missing out dont feel bad i have felt the same way but in the end my daughter and son are much better knowing mommys here 100000 % and they are now 15 and 13 and i have a 6 month old who is by my husband it actually feels weird to share my son with another parent haha ill be praying for peace of mind for u and just keep being a wonderful mommy!
16.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
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