Trish Kraft
Trish Kraft
Stroller recommendation: My MIL watches my 13 month old daughter and my 6 month old niece and is asking for us to look at double strollers so that she can take them on walks when it gets warmer. I'm more likely to have a second kid before my SIL, so I kinda want to purchase the stroller and keep it in my family. Any recommendations of double strollers that my MIL can use and then would be good for my family as we grow? There are so many options and I'm feeling overwhelmed.

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@mi.mommy, thank you! After doing some research online yesterday, I think that is my best bet because we already have a Graco Click Connect car seat that would work with those.
16.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
For the purpose you explained and In that Price Range I'd recommend Graco. They have double stroller which has high reviews...
16.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
@mi.mommy, I was hoping to pay $200 or less. Most of our walks would be in the neighborhood or going to the zoo, museums and what not. So not really any tough terrain.
16.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
Can I ask how much you would like to spend and what kind of walks are you thinking of? I bought the bugaboo buffalo bc I love to go to the beach as much as the park/ hills which has tough terrain and I wanted a stroller that is known to be kept for generations bc I'm planing too. However, it is considered a bit pricier than others, but I love mine ❤️
16.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
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