Been a bit under the weather. Hubby had a fever and some wicked teeth extractions. Kicked the bum out & watched him set fire to the bridge. No one helped put out the flames. Oh! And another interesting dream! Was at mom in laws, laying in bed when suddenly my tummy pops open, like a cesarian. I call for mom in law and hubby to come help, maybe we can sew it up before baby comes? MiL says she can't handle it & leaves. Hubby runs through the house searching for supplies. Baby decides to put an elbow and arm out, so I conclude they've taken too long to help and he's ready to come out. I reach down and scoop him out. He has a slight cleft lip and only one arm. I see him smile the happiest smile and decide he's ok. Hubby comes back to cut the cord. Our baby is so small, but happy and healthy...all I could ask for ^.^ Happy Vday yo mommas! <3