Mia Schneider
Mia Schneider
Mommy challenge. No judgement.
Strictly about us moms and our beliefs.

What's your child's name? Josh

Is your child a boy or girl? Boy💙

What wipes do you use? Huggies

What diapers do you use? Huggies

What baby lotion do you use? Coconut oil

What baby wash/shampoo do you use? J&J

Bite, rip or clip, your baby's finger nails? Clip

Do you exclusively breastfeed? I could only breastfeed for a month. Now formula with his G-tube

Do you vaccinate? Yes

Believe in circumcision? Yes

Co-sleep or seperate? Separate

Whooping or timeout? Neither.. I think either is okay but my son doesn't get either.

Carry around GermX? Yes yes yes

Do you believe in CIO method? Yes but it's different with every child.

Do you believe abortion? I don't like it. But I understand in some situations it may be necessary.

Public school or home school? Well my boy won't be going to school. But he will do a public physical therapy with other kids when the time comes. If he were ever being enrolled in school I'd probably home school him.

How many children do you have? 1

How many children do you want? I can't have any more kids but we are considering adopting in the future.

Age you were when you had your child(ren)? 20

On birth control? Yep, hate it and am scheduling appointment to have my tubes tied

Stay at home mom or working? Stay at home.

Baby wear or stroller? Stroller! I love it

Are you a single mother? Nope ❣️💍

What do you carry in the diaper bag? Diapers, wipes, all of his meds, his splints, and his favorite toys and extra clothes.

If you could tell new mother's one thing, what would you say? Always remember you are your child's advocate! Never let your voice be silenced.

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