💖 Love Story.
1. How long have you guys been together? Almost 5 years
2. First Date? Taco cabana
3. How did you meet? He came and got boxes from my store
4. What is "your song" together? 24k magic
5. Do you remember the first movie you saw together? I dont 😩
6. First road trip together? San Marcos
7. Do you have kids? 1 boy and 1 in heaven (miscarriage)
8. Better Singer? Definitely him
9. Who was interested in the other first? It was mutal, but he did used to be checking for me!
10. More sensitive? Both pretty sensi
11. Worst temper? Me 😩 im kinda crazy
12. Funniest? Him lol
13. More social? Me
14. More stubborn? Him!
15. Wakes up first? He does
16. Has the bigger family? Me, i think
17. Eats the most? Him, he loves my cooking
18. Who said I love you first? Me, i knew he was it
19. Hogs the remote? Him 😩
20. Who's the better cook? We are both pretty good
21. Hogs the bed? Me lol, ill never admit it to him
22. More Romantic? Him..
23. Who is smarter? Hes pretty damn smart
24. Who is more messy? We are both pretty bad lol
Copy and paste.... Then fill in your answers.
💖 Love Story.