Madison Plaskey
Madison Plaskey
Can people have less painful contractions that Don't last longer than 10 seconds?? Feels like an intense period cramp for a couple seconds at a time...when I was 30w they said I was dialated and contracting and this is the same feeling I had but I thought since I'm 37 w now that it would be more intense?!

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I have tried drinking more and doesn't seem to help...what's creating the doubt in me is the fact that I had the same feeling when I was hooked up to the contraction monitor and they said I was contracting...I go in today so I'll have them check me again...ik everyone handles things differently as far as pain but is contractions a universal feeling lol
13.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
It could, it could not be. Everyone feels them differently. I had a friend on here who was in full blown labor and didn't feel a thing. If I were you I'd try drinking more water and lay on your side. Could they be Braxton hicks? I'd think a contraction would last longer. It may get worse though when you're in actual active labor too.
13.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
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