Alyssa Sharrow
Alyssa Sharrow
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So I knew my son would have a learning disability. It runs on both sides of his family (his dad and grandfather have dyslexia and my brother has something that he was never tested for). The drs said when he was 18 months old he was showing signs of autism. I said it could be possible aspergers but I said it was way too early to tell. Well now he's almost 3 and the more research I do the more signs I see showing up with him. And I know with education and family therapy we can get it managed.. and I love home just as much if not more but I just can't help but feel so bad for him. I see how much my bf struggles with dyslexia.. I just don't want to see my only child struggle thru life. Is there any moms here with autistic children? Or anyone know of a support group? Is there anything that really helped you get thru the tantrums and and other hurdles that autism causes?

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My son doesn't have autism but he has severe ADHD. And I worked with gifted kids. What helped me with my son was to think that he wasn't acting up because he wanted to, it was because he wasn't able to express himself. So it wasn't really his fault. Also I would try to remain as calm as I could around him or else he would get worked up. With kids with autism you can find something they really like for example stuffed animals and that could help them calm down.
13.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
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