Okay moms I need some opinions. What is a good age for siblings to be apart? My son turned 2 in october. My husband wants another baby now but I am nervous.
Got pregnant a month after my son turned 2, my husband was promoted and relocated us to TN (we had no friends or family here)... now he's 3 yrs and 2 months old and my daughter is 4 months.
He has been potty trained for a month now and honestly this was a struggle because I would have to run to the bathroom while nursing my baby to help him get his under wear off or help him onto the big potty.
Best advice, wait until your 1st is potty trained ( unless you have plenty of help) and can pull down their own undies lol
I'd say two to 3 yrs because they are still pretty close but far enough they can have different groups of friends fr school and not always share the same school but close enough that we could also play and relate to another. just my opinion, these are the things I liked about my siblings and our age gaps