Looking for a bit advice. I bought a second hand silver cross linear freeway pram/pushchair. I love it and am more than happy with it.. only problem is, the straps, even on the tightest setting my daughter can still get her arms out. This means she's only clipped in at the waist. The seat also only sits up so much so my LO pulls herself up further than that and sits unsupported. (She's 14 months..) I'm just worried she's gonna go toppling over the side of the buggy. Dunno if this makes any sence but if anyone knows what I mean or has had the same issue.. any advice welcome 😌.
I don't have any advice but my son has always been able to get his arms out every pushchair he's ever gone in! I've saw this clip thing advertised you can buy to make it so they shouldn't be able to getting their arms out. I keep meaning to look for them to get one for when we're in the car because he can do it with car seats too!