Ok couples it's almost Valentine's Day so copy and paste this into your status and answer each question honestly😊 How long have you been together Nearly 9 years! Who asked who out? He asked me! Did you go to the same school? Nope Who said I love you first? He did 😍❤ Who is the most sensitive? Me 🙊😔 Where do you eat out most as a couple? Spoons ❤ Who's older? Both the same! Who has the worst temper? Probably him! Who does the most cooking? Him, but he doesn't mind 😘 Who is more social? Defiantly me Who is the neat freak? Both are ! Most romantic? He is 🤗 Who is the most stubborn? Me 🤦🏼♀️ Who wakes up earlier? Me always! Who's the funniest? Probably him, however I'm pretty close 😂 Where was your first date? Funfair 👊🏻😂 What's the sweetest thing he has done for you? Proposed in Disneyland in front of the castle 😍😍 Who has the bigger family? Him, by far! Do you get flowers often? Yes all the time! How long did it take to get serious? A year maybe even 2 ! Who eats more? He does !! Plans date night? We defiantly don't have them anymore 😂 Who was interested first ? He was 😍😋 Who’s better with the computer? He is! 💻 Who picks where when you go to dinner? Mainly him, I'm too indecisive 😅 Best driver? Him, I'm still not driving! Hogs the remote? Him, he doesn't like soaps 🤣 Who is the first one to admit when they’re wrong? I'm always stubborn I hate being wrong, and Reece is always right.. that's annoying! Who wears the pants in the relationship? Probably me more now we live together 😅 Who eats more sweets? Him! Who cries more? Me 😭 now hold your finger on post to copy and paste. Have fun!