I was 2 hours away from my at the time 4 year old and husband for 8 weeks with minimal visits home and minimal visits for them to come see us. That emotional toll was harder than the nicu experience itself. I just took each day as it came. Knew there would be good days and bad days. There's a saying that the nicu is a roller coaster ride. It's not a fun ride but at least you get off it eventually.
Thank you hun. I'm glad you made it as far as you did. It does suck when they're born earlier, even if they were like my son who didn't have many issues, it's still hard going to the nicu every day and knowing they can't leave yet. Each day gets better though, especially when you're on that home stretch!
@kimberlyyyy_the-preemie-mom thank you so are you!! i hope you get a long happy and healthy 9 months..with my other two i deliverd to full term all this is new to me.
It was. Things happen though. I'm hoping for a better and longer lasting pregnancy this time around.
I can't imagine how scary preterm labor must be. Even with my first born at 40 weeks I was induced. You're one brave and strong mama!!
@kimberlyyyy_the-preemie-mom that sounds terrible. sorry you had to go through that. I never got anything like that but i was dilated to a 1 at 30 weeks and i just kept dilating from there i struggled trying to keep him in.
I developed severe preeclampsia and 28 weeks, and then at 29 weeks exactly they diagnosed me with another condition called HELLP syndrome which was causing me to go into the beginning stages of liver failure and set my body into a frenzy. It causes issues with the blood and how the body fights infections and stuff. They decided it was more important to have him delivered than risk me going eclamptic or into full blown liver failure or worse. Worst pain of my life ever.
I had a 29 weeker who spent 7 weeks (and one day, so 50 total) in the nicu. Thankfully they we're very uneventful days and he was considered a "grower and feeder". Very minimal medical intervention after the first few days and was a "rockstar" in the nicu. 👍🏼 It's good to hear your little one is doing well.
@kimberlyyyy_the-preemie-mom. he was born at 35 weeks. but was measuring 36 weeks they are amazed by him lol. i feel very fortunate to get my son early. theres so many parents that still have such a long road ahead of them.
Hes doing amazing . so far hes spent a week in the nicu. but hes improving more and more everyday. the dr said he could come home Wednesday or Thursday but not to give our hopes up.