My son is 7 months old. I wish I could go back to his first few days and just hold him and snuggle him and enjoy every second (good and bad) with him. He is now a hot mess and all over the place. Won't even let me rock him to sleep. He's just so independent. 😔 My best friend just had an adorable baby girl so I have crazy baby fever now! 😩😭
My daughter will be 7 months next week and she is the same, she is so independent too! I think it's the age. We have little explorers on our hands!! She is all over everything & really trying so hard to crawl and pull herself up, so much that I have a sea parade space in my livingroom just for her. (It's a big playyard with a foam mat under it cuz we have wood floors) She'll stay in it for hours if I let her.. I never do tho I'm like I MISS YOU COME LOVE ME😩😩😩😩