I pump on average 1-2 times a day just to build my stash before returning to work. My boobs are over achievers normally (baby's 5 weeks old and I can put between 5-8 oz) but lately my right side I can get so much more from then my left!
@housfullofgrls, the morning, I pump when she sleeps through a feeding (we're still feeding every 2 hours) and then at night when she does randomly go longer I'll just pump and also the last feeding before bed I'll pump so daddy can feed her and since I pump so much I can save like half of it
@maverickandjosiah060516, I am breastfeeding besides the few times I pump... for a while she'd sleep from her last feeding around 5am until 9am or so and I'd get so full but couldn't give up that feeding since I'd have to feed her before dropping off at day care so I pump for that feeding so my supply doesn't go away, and now we've started having me pump at night and have daddy give her a bottle so she'll get used to that.. I go back to work in 10 days and I'm gone entirely too long during the day for my liking but I gotta do what I gotta do