I'm going to be a new mom here in less than 5 months and I am so excited! However, I get so nervous when thinking about minor things as far as taking care of a newborn. How did you moms deal with questions that seems minor?
@lmbunch, it's been a lifesaver, it answers so many questions about feeding, sleeping, safety, teething, just everything! It's written by pediatricians who are also moms, so it's real life help!
@lmbunch, I agree!! I would totally do classes for that!! Everyone tells me I will be fine and that it will all just click ! I so hope that is the truth!!
@mandaaleexo, I feel you 100% on this! Like I know we will be just fine but it would be amazing if my area offered some sort of caring for a newborn class!
They say back is best but a lot of newborns hate being flat on their back. So I had him on his back and inclined a little. You also figure your kid out over time
Okay thanks! I have concerns like how do I know if baby is to hot or cold, or how do I warm up a bottle, or what are safe sleeping positions for baby lol I'm a nervous wreck with stuff like that
Google, I still call the doctor all the time. Lol. Ask questions on here or ask friends and family members. Ask questions at the hospital before you leave.