I'm in the middle of it at the moment & it's already doing my head in lol He only sits on the potty or loo when I ask so if I get distracted with Max for too long then he wees or poo's. Trying to stick it out hoping he'll start to ask!
@littleelf85, @haribo83, @tg123456789, @sara-lou, I actually have no idea what he's doing because he's telling me he's 'popped' then he'll run out of the room and come back flashing! I've tried the popper vests, he pulls the poppers to the side and manages to pull the nappy through 😫 every time he does it I tell him he needs to sit on the potty but he point blank refuses to do anything on there... the second he has another nappy on or pull ups he'll wee or poo! Potty training is gonna be horrendous, I can just see it now. Nappies til he's 40 I reckon
Morgan started doing this but at night time so I was having good to change his sheets daily. I went & bought those baby vests with the poppers to stop him which worked! lol