IDK about yall I'm a first time mommy 'I get that' but I can not stand anyone (idc who it is) telling me how to care for my child!! Especially when I didn't ask you ... Example (Reason for my rant) I'm cleaning my child's diaper on my lap because I was doing a quick visit to see family. Aunt: You have a good hold on her?
Me: 😑 She's good 😐
Aunt: 😶 (Staring)
Me: 😒 The Fuxk (in my head)
2 seconds later ...
Aunt: Front to back right ... ?
Me: Oh you have one too?😔😕
Aunt: What's that?
Me: A pussy Aunty you got one too 😐
Like thanks but no thanks sis ... it irks my nerves, it's annoying as shyt I took care of your kids and ya bf kids and my siblings I didn't ask you for help or an input.
Rant Over 😂😂😂
Let me know if I'm bugging though 🤔
Caribbean family is annoying 😣😣😣