Alyssa Sharrow
Alyssa Sharrow
Ugh these last few weeks have been horrible.. I feel like there's balls falling everywhere and I don't have the energy to juggle everything. I've missed 4 appts and I totally forgot about my sons play group today. But now he's sick so I probably wouldn't have taken him anyway.. I just feel wretched that I forgot. I have no vehicle. Tims work is taking FOREVER to give out the w2s so we can do our taxes.. also I applied for a court clerk position that's a really good opportunity for me but I have no help and I just think 8 hrs in daycare for Troy is too much. He's never been without me for that long at it'd be everyday.. I just feel like I'm drowning..😞

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Just take the time in your day to get some mommy time and just get some head space so every thing won't feel the walls closing in on you 😇
31.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
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