For these past couple of days Mila hasn't nursed for more than 5 minutes which its unusual bc she usually nurse for 10 to 15 minutes. And she hasn't been eating often. Today she didn't want to latch on my breast all day I was so nervous bc I can't pump out a lot from my right breast. She would get more milk if she nurses (from both breast in general). Tonight finally she nursed for 15 minutes exactly AND I pumped twice in within 1 hour which it never happens. Those bottles went straight to the freezer 🤗
try not to pump too much because you can create an over supply which sounds great but in reality your little one won't be able to eat that much in one nursing session to drain you so she will only get the foremilk which helps satisfy thirst and some hunger but she needs the hindmilk which is the really fat filled milk that helps her grow. eating habits change during growth spurts too. she will eat when she's hungry. she's still learning how it all works