Any Mommas in CA looking to make a new friend and have play dates and girls day/night outs? I've seriously been in CA almost 2 years now and barely have a handful of friends 😩.
@shelfishy, such a blessing! That's awesome. Just means more cuddles and quality time with your little one, movie nights and family time. Those are the best
@sokori, yeah from what we were told there were a lot of infants being hospitalized due to becoming sick. Plus this is my husbands first blood related child so he is still going through that ultra protection stage. Bless his heart.
@shelfishy, ahh ok that makes sense. That is so true and I heard it's worse on babies if they catch the flu. I think the numbers have went up with babies getting sick this season as well
@sokori, we were told to wait two months til she gets her shots because it is cold and flu season. Her doctor said it was the best defense mechanism to keep her from catching anything that could be dangerous towards her.
@sokori, I wouldn't mind so much ... if I got to go shopping for groceries once in a while or even to buy baby clothes. My youngest is growing like a weed and is now in three month clothes because she is so long. The doing laundry every two days becomes tiresome when the garage is 30 something degrees. I dread going in there 😂😂
Oh no haha @shelfishy, I think that is the only thing I did for awhile. I didn't mind staying home at all after giving birth I think I got too used to that lifestyle and now I'm crying for help for a way out lol
@sandee_gianna805, haha I agree. I have four sisters. Two of them have children. One of them still goes out and does stuff when she comes home from Germany. She doesn't even invite me anymore. My other sister doesn't invite me either (one who has child). However, my sister who lives in oceanside doesn't get it. Her birthday was in August and she invited me to go wine tasting. I was six months pregnant 😂😂😂. I was like ummm are you crazy?? Sheesh.
@shelfishy, omg I wish you were closer! I was never into the partying every weekend. Nails, movies, a walk in the park or even going for a jog are my go to lol
Same! My carrier has been my best friend for traveling anywhere with my baby but I'm just waiting for the day he takes those first steps and getting around to places would be so much easier. But it's been almost 2 whole years it shouldn't be this hard to mingle 😩@sandee_gianna805
@sokori yes girl it does im just waiting for my baby to start walking so i can start taking her out to playgrounds lol but seriously i need mommy friends lol
@sokori, that is the thing though that is not boring. People are all wrapped up in hooka lounges and partying and I'm here like nah. I'd rather just get my hair done or nails. Go out to lunch or walk around the park.
@shelfishy amen to that girl i havent gone out in 2 months lol my sister doesnt invite me cause her car is full of kids to lol so its just me and my baby and when people do invite me out they want me to stay out late like no i have a special someone to get home to 💕 their lucky if i even get to stay out til 10 lol
@shelfishy, that is so true. I've separated from a bunch of people and some do things that I am no longer interested in doing. Don't get me wrong, I do like going out to have fun but I'm so wrapped up in spending time with my baby that I wouldn't mind spending time with him and another momma and their baby lol. Call it boring but it works for me 😂
@sandee_gianna805, it's a real thing haha. Everyone talks about how they go out and do this and that yet they have no kids. Not even my sisters invite me anymore cuz I have kids 😂😂. Makes me feel boring =\