S/O is disrepectful he called my mother a thot my uncle who is autistic retarted and got mad at my uncle for saying that he stole silverware a told him to his face he is not a man and because he wont talk to him back that he act like a scared ass child. And today he mad at me for telling him that i thought it was weird and supecious that he has been staying up super late like till 7 a.m in the morning and just by me asking that he says i never give him any trust and that he is getting fed up that i get suspecious of things he does. i also told him I wanted to go to councleing by myself for my problems but he told me it is dumb to do that and no one can help me that im not acting like an adult by dealing with it by myself.

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@dawnrose i think that to but then he tells me i ruined his life because he doesnt have any friends because of me or anywhere to go then i start feeling bad and i would mess up big til if i broke up with him
27.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
@dawnrose i don't know what to do
27.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
you can go by yourself. screw what he thinks
27.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
wow... that sucks. I wouldn't waste anymore of my time on someone so disrespectful to me.
27.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
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