@inkedmomma @ecahanes thanks ladies, last night my son woke up screaming, let him cry for 15 mins to see if he would just go back to sleep and he didn't, so i went in with a drink, turned his music on but he still cried for another 10 mins. i have a 10 yr old woth severe adhd that sleeps in a room next to him, well if he wakes up hes likely not going back to sleep. anyway i ended up taking the 15 month out of his crib and brining him to the living room and chill in the pitch black, laid him down 30 mins later and he went to sleep, so i have no idea whats going on (and yes 10 year old woke up from all the crying!)
I'll go in there if it persists and give him his pacifier and lay him down at that age they usually wake up for a reason. Maybe a scary dream but sometimes he poops so I always check
I tell my almost year old that it's night night time. I'll see her in the morning. Turn on her lullaby music, give her a pacifier, and blanket. and I leave the room. Sometimes she goes right back, and sometimes she'll just have to cry for a minute or two before falling asleep. Depending on his long she cries, or attempts it take to get her back down will determine if I give her a sippy or not.