April Mizen
April Mizen
so i got a phone call last night saying my blood test for spina bifida came back positive with a 3, and I now have a level 2 ultrasound on Tuesday the 31st. this was heartbreaking for me to hear, as I want my baby to grow up happy and healthy, but I am reading that a lot of women could have a false positive, has anyone gone through this before and come out alright? and if you have come up positive, what should I expect? No matter what I love this baby with all my heart and will do everything to give it the best life possible.

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@taylorlee616 thank you! I appreciate it!
25.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
I hope that everything will turn out! Idk if this is any help but my uncle has spina bifida and because of this my doctor has me taking extra folic acid to help with spinal growth and development! I will keep you in my thoughts and pray for a good outcome!
25.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
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