Hi! My name is Tristin I am 38 weeks! Any other mommies to be almost there?! I am very nervous to give birth and anxious about being a mom for the first time! Any helpful tips?
Yea! It's is tough being pregnant and a new mom with no family or friends. We moved here for my husbands job I had to leave my job and found out I was pregnant a month after we moved! Just trying to make the best of it but it's tough
Aww I'm sorry girl I know not having family around sucks.. Most my family are in Ecuador. I just have my sister n mom here in state. And yes girl same here ! Haha we can be friends ! Especially since our due date is one day apart lol
@mrs.metcalf, yea I should hope so! I'm all alone in the state with no family so I'm very thankful my hubbie is hands on or I'd feel terribly alone! I'm just trying to make some Mommie friends here but it's been tough
@mrs.metcalf, yea I definitely lucked out with him he's just more than helpful and more than caring I can't imagine what single moms have to go through it must be so tough
Lmao I think the same! I think it's crazy and mind blowing as well! Lol one night I had really bad pain and I felt pressure in my tail bone and I totally freaked out! I was shaking bc I didn't know if it was contractions lol but it was the Braxton hicks. So when u start having pressure down there remember to stay calm lol. Bc my hubby had to calm me down lol a warm bath deff help!
Look on google there's pictures that ppl took of their mucus plug lol it's nasty but it deff gives u an idea how it looks like! Some ppl don't notice their plug come out but some ppl do like me when I wiped I saw it! And the doctors told me it's not a big deal but from ppl that I know that their plug fell off like a day after or a week or two their baby came. So honestly my baby can come at any time just like it is with u since we're both 38 weeks.