kiara herbert
kiara herbert
for all the mothers thats 38 weeks pregnat and up just like me ....your baby girl👧or baby boy👶will be comeing sooner than you think and now is the time to make sure everything in your house is very clean and make sure your hosptial bag💼 is done and pack and make sure all your dishes are done and clean and your trash is tooken out and all your cholthes and baby cholthes are clean and on top of that make sure you also pack yout newborn baby a bag like i did with socks in it and long undershirt and hat and outfit and blakets too and maybe a couple diapers only if you dont like the diapers that the hosptial gives you and make sure if you have kids make sure you tell some one to watch them for a couple of days while you will be in the hosptial..its time to do everything right now no time to wait your baby will be here anyday now hope you all are ready cause i am ...good luck

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