Ill write wat i want even if it refers to an old post! im airing my thoughts considering these people made me feel like shit! when i noticed the world was against me.. for them to come on a new post giving it loads aswell. booo hooo my fat arse... but like now im just airing my thoughts, isnt that what people do on here.. Soooo if you dobt like what i put please dont comment... just leave me be... i am a really nice person.... but when Women who wear the trousers start bossing me around.. sorry im not ur man!

Лучший комментарий


thankyou both @barnold @lauren1996
24.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
Spot on! @barnold, 👌🏻 x
24.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
but surely you can see that writing new posts about it is only going to cause more debates.. weve not said ur right or their right.. EVERYONES feelings will be hurt as its a sensitive subject with different opinions.. if you dont want people to comment anymore about it then why write a new post?? ur feeding fuel to the fire
24.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
uno wat i said sorry to people and they are still carrying it on whether or not i said anything.
i do have feelings too... i dont just not agree with morning after pill etc.... it turned personal and very ganged up on.
24.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
Look! @taralou, if this is about the morning after pill! You've made your point and everyone else has made there's! Just don't mention it again I know your expressing your feelings! But you know people are going to comment and it's either gonna get your back up more! So if you don't want no more agro just don't mention it again, ineh?! @taralou, x
24.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
i havnt been trying to irritate people... i will write what i want... im upset from debate too.. if anyone reads the debate they will clearly see that i just dont agree with abortions... people are actually disagreeing with the fact.. im upset from that too... i do understand hence why i also wrote sorry if iv offended anyone but im sticking to what i believe..
24.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
i havent commented on any of the posts, however, by writing the last few posts you have ur trying to irritate people.. u have ur opinion and ur right to voice it, no-one can take that from you however knowing it has upset/annoyed people and caused such a debate should be enough for you to leave it at that.. yes as i said ur entitled to ur opinion but surely you can see that by continuing to mention ur previous post will cause more drama.. fair play to you for being so firm on ur belief, but flip the coin and understand ppl feel the exact same but with a different opinion.. if you dont want ppl slagging you off or continuing to comment on ur post then stop bringing it up.. be the bigger person and rise above it and end it there!!!!!
24.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
read my previous posts... its a joke... i cant delete or block people either as the app isnt letting me... xx
24.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
What's up beaut?@taralou, xxx
24.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
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